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카니리 @khanyli

Don't you want to smile every morning? 1% Happiness Secret

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Summarized by durumis AI

  • It has been 60 days since I started posting one post a day, and I am moving forward with a positive mind, believing in the resilience of my body and mind.
  • It is important to make changes in life through new attempts and choices, without fearing failure and trials.
  • Let's strive to be the 1% who creates their own path through blogging and makes happy today.

It's been 60 days since I declared "one post per day."

My back pain has subsided significantly.
It's not completely gone yet, but I've decided to trust my body.

I believe in resilience.
Both our bodies and minds have their own resilience.
They have the ability to heal themselves.

Our bodies and minds find a way to survive.
We may have given them separate names – body, mind, spirit – but in reality, they are all one integrated entity.

The body, mind, and spirit are interconnected.
They work as one mechanism. Resilience.
They try to maintain their optimal state.

We provide additional support to this process.
I'm not just talking about medicine or drugs.
There's food and exercise, but
our thoughts are even more important.

Even just breathing and thinking
can change many things.
No, it allows us to make different choices.

We could choose to be pessimistic and complain every time, but I choose to be positive and grateful.

There's a bright side to darkness,
and there are things to be grateful for even in pain.
If someone says this is brainwashing,
then I'd rather be brainwashed in a positive direction.

What's wrong with being grateful and seeing things positively?

Of course, someone I was grateful to might betray me.
It would have been better to know before it happened, but now that I know, I won't be swayed by such people again.

I learned something new, so I'm grateful again.

There's no need to fear or be ashamed of failure and mistakes.
Failing means you've tried something.

Making a mistake gives you a chance to think again and try something different.
It may take time to recover what you lost through a mistake, but
it's faster than building from scratch.

You can make a choice again from there.
When you hit a dead end in a maze, instead of starting from the beginning, you go back and find a turning point to make a different choice.

We can't predict the future, but we can choose what to do now.
Our choices change today, and those todays build up to change our lives tomorrow.

All of this is my choice.
I can write or not write.
Nobody forced me to blog.
Some people advised me, but I made the choice.

I decided to write something every day, although I used to write sporadically.
It would be better to write at a certain time every day, but for now, I write whenever I have time.
My goal is to write at least once a day.

I feel a lot of shortcomings as I write.
I thought I had studied writing quite a lot, but it's hard to see improvement.

It's like swimming.
It's like foreign languages.

Studying swimming and swimming skills are different.
Studying a foreign language and speaking a foreign language are different.

Writing, swimming, and foreign languages all require practice.
Repetition is necessary for mastery.

You won't know if you're improving when you're pushing forward slowly and painfully.
Looking back later, there will inevitably be a time when you wonder how you got here.

I've decided to stop putting it off.
I've decided to act on my intentions.

That's how "one post per day" started, and now it's been 60 days.
I've overcome obstacles and challenges to get here.

Throughout life, trials and tribulations lie in wait.
You never know when you'll encounter them, or how long they'll stick around.

Even in the face of unexpected encounters and persistent attachments, you always have a choice.
When I write and step back to talk to myself, I find the bright side.

Life has prepared things for us that we never imagined.

That's what makes life exciting. If we all just went on a flat, familiar path, there would be no anticipation, no excitement, and no memories to treasure.

Trust yourself and move forward.
You made a choice.

I've also decided to take responsibility for my choices and move forward.
I've decided to reward myself for the struggles.

Failure for someone who makes choices and tries is just another name for success.
Trials and tribulations are evidence of growth. It's hard because you're trying.

Nothing happens if you don't do anything.
If that's better, then choose it.

In the movie The Matrix, even after taking the red pill and learning about reality,
some people choose to take the blue pill to go back to the Matrix.

I don't have any intention of criticizing their choice. It's their choice.
It's just different from what we're seeking.

Those who choose to blog,
read each other's posts,
and decide to produce information or writing,
I'm sure their choices will be different.

An e-book I recently received for free had this to say:
The author, who had been posting daily on their blog for two years,
said that only about 1% of the bloggers who started with them are still active.
They said 10% remained at first, and then another 10% remained.
That's why it's 1%.

If you want to be in the 1%, keep blogging.

I need to get rid of the concept of top and bottom.
In a game with one line, there's intense competition and a hierarchy.
But the path is open in all directions.

We're not in a competition to fight for our place in the hierarchy.
We are the 1% who create our own paths.
Open up your new path. It doesn't matter if it makes money or not.
Just the fact that you've created a new path makes your life richer.

Your enjoyment will increase. Fun awaits you.
You can start your day with your own choices.
There's absolutely no reason to choose complaining, dissatisfaction, and unhappiness over happiness and gratitude.

You can fill your life with happy todays.
You can choose your path and create a new one.
Our trials are sometimes life's call to create a new path.

Life makes you lose your way to show you the way.
- From Ryu Si-hwa's <It's Not the Life I Imagined>

As Ryu Si-hwa said,
if you feel lost one day,
look up and find a new path.

Our lives are more exciting when we encounter unpredictable turning points
and build up small successes.

Failure is another name for success.
Trials and tribulations are another name for growth.

A happy today is both your obligation and your right.
Take care of it. Today's happiness!

Photo: Vladislav Babienko from Unsplash

I support your challenge.

Let's keep going.

카니리 @khanyli
카니리 @khanyli
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